Hints for Searching the NORINA Database

A complete list of the current titles cited in the NORINA database can be obtained by clicking here. When you have looked at the list, you may retrieve the detailed entries by typing the Record Number in the form below:

Display details for a single Record Number:

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Free Text Fields Searches may be performed by typing one or more words in the appropriate field. Do NOT add an and, or, or a not. To search for products about the frog heart you would type in

frog heart

Searching for frog OR heart is not yet possible.

There are four operators that can apply to the Free Text Fields

Scrolling List Fields You may currently only select a single item from the Category or Type fields. This will change so that multiple selections can be made as soon as our search engine allows.

English and American spelling:

We have tried to keep the spelling and use of words like foetus/fetus, oestrus/estrus and adrenaline/epinephrine as uniform as possible, to facilitate searching.
In the text descriptions of each product, we have used the English version.
In the titles, we have retained the original spelling, e.g. "fetus" when referring to American products.

If in doubt, do a search using both versions!

Constructing web links for specific searches:

It is possible to construct weblinks that will take you directly to a list of specified records, for example all Video Films on Animal Surgery.
Please contact Adrian Smith (adrian.smith@veths.no) if you need help in constructing similar links.

How good is your Internet connection?

If you are browsing the Web via a dial-up modem connection, transfer time may be slow. Try turning off the 'Auto Load Images' (under the Options menu if you are using Netscape). In addition, if transfer time is still slow, try stopping transfer and reload: you may get a faster connection. The slow transfer time is almost certainly due to heavy traffic on the Internet rather than to problems with the NORINA server.

If you are located in a country on the Pacific Rim you might also get a more rapid response by searching NORINA on the Australian Mirror Site.

The search engine and its forms are tuned for the current version of Netscape. If your browser has problems handling the search form, download the latest version of Netscape.

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