Anaesthesia, analgesia and euthanasia. What's new?

Richard T. Fosse & Adrian Smith*
Vivarium, Haukeland Hospital, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway & *Laboratory Animal Unit, Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, Oslo, Norway.

Several new agents have been used in anesthesia of common laboratory animals. These include new inhalant agents and action specific alpha-2 agonists. Balanced anesthesia is often combined with the use of antagonists resulting in rapid recovery following surgery. Agonist/antagonist protocols require analgesia supplementation. New generation Non Steroid Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are used in many such protocols. The advent of potent NSAIDs has lead to improved analgesia for many laboratory animal species. These agents are either used alone or in combination with opiates. New routes of administration - epidural and spinal - are being introduced and show great promise in the post-operative phase. Euthanasia of laboratory animals has been the subject of a working party report published on the request of the EU DGIX directorate. The report focussed on the need for protocol specific methods. The increasing use of marine species has uncovered the need for knowledge regarding the use of anaesthetic and analgesic agents in these animals. Likewise, choice of euthanasia needs review when planning protocols that involve the use of fish.
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