This site is one of the services provided by:

The Norwegian Reference Centre for
Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives
Teaching materials in Laboratory Animal Science
These pages are an initial attempt to collect links to web pages and other sources
containing teaching texts on subjects related to pure laboratory animal science.
These include ethics, legislation, comparative biology, anatomy, pharmacology and
physiology, genetics, anaesthesia, analgesia, euthanasia, microbiology,
environmental factors, experimental design and techniques.
While there are many web sites that describe laboratory animal facilities and
suppliers, there appear to be relatively few that address the above topics.
Much of the information below has kindly been provided by members of the
Comparative Medicine discussion list (CompMed), to whom we are very grateful.
Please note:
These pages are in their infancy. Our aim is to acknowledge all efforts to
provide teaching materials on the web. Information cited here is not ranked in
any form of priority, importance or category. Any omissions are wholly
Please send details of omissions or factual errors, or any other comments you
may have, to:
Adrian Smith, Laboratory Animal Unit,
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, P.O. Box 8146 Dep., 0033 Oslo, Norway.
Telephone: +47 22 96 45 74
Telefax: +47 22 96 45 35
Email: adrian.smith@veths.no
- Films and slide series of basic
techniques on common laboratory animal species
- A
collection of links to teaching materials on the Internet of relevance to
veterinary medicine compiled by VetGate,
a gateway to evaluated, high-quality resources in animal health. VetGate is
created by a team of information specialist based at the University of Nottingham
Greenfield Medical Library, in partnership with the Royal College of Veterinary
Surgeons and the Royal Veterinary College.
- Scand-LAS Tech
Tips: a collection of links to presentations describing a range of techniques
for use on research animals.
- Lecture notes from the Research Animal
Resources, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
- Veterinary Pathology collection at the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), Washington, D.C., USA
- Pathology of Laboratory
Animals collection from the AFIP
- Parasites of
laboratory animals
- Lecture
notes from the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, Arizona,
- Environmental
Enhancement for Caged Rhesus Macacques
- Photographs
of a homemade sling used to restrain sedated pigs
- The
Microinjection Workshop explaining the theory and practice of the production
of transgenic animals using microsurgical DNA injection
- Production
of Pharmaceutical Proteins in Transgenic Animals by Dr. Rick T. Dobrowsky.
- Mickey - The
Inside Story - a necropsy guide for the mouse.
- The University of Florida, Animal Resources, has assembled a list of Online Training Programs and
- Variables in
animal-based research: Part 1. Phenotypic variability in experimental animals, by
Ivor Harris. A Fact Sheet issued by ANZCCART.
- Quick reference paper on
laboratory animal feeding and nutrition. Report from the FELASA working group.
- Article in Laboratory Animals
describing a technique for
blood sampling using the saphenous vein: an alternative to retro-orbital
puncture. You will need Acrobat Reader to open
this PDF-file.
- Pictures
showing the saphenous vein technique.
- Examination of vaginal
smears in the rat.
- Research Animal Resources from
the University of Minnesota.
- Publications cited by the
Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR), Washington, D.C., USA
- The web pages that describe
databases addressing the three R's may be of help. Among others, the NORINA database, the PREX database and the UC Center for
Animal Alternatives contain information on written teaching materials.
Web material produced by us: