ENAWB: European Network of Animal Welfare Bodies

A group has been established with the aim of encouraging and developing national Animal Welfare Body networks.


At the 2022 FELASA congress in Marseille, a session discussed how national Animal Welfare Body (AWB) networks are a powerful way of promoting a good Culture of Care.

Several countries have set up AWB networks, enabling the AWBs to share good practice with respect to establishing effective processes and fulfilling all of their tasks. This has helped many AWBs to improve animal welfare, the implementation of the 3Rs, the quality of the science and staff morale. Despite these benefits, organized AWB networks are not yet common practice in all EU countries.

Following on from the FELASA meeting, an informal network has been established to promote animal welfare and to facilitate the sharing of best practice between Animal Welfare Bodies (AWBs). Countries with a national AWB network are now represented in a European network: ENAWB.

The triple N in ENAWB's logo refers to the three Ns in its full name: the European Network of National Networks of Animal Welfare Bodies.

ENAWB hopes to arrange a workshop on how to establish national AWB networks.

The network consists currently of representatives of national networks from

  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • The Netherlands
  • The UK

The group has received practical support from the European Commission.

The group has presented its activities at the meetings of the European Commission National Contact Points (EU Directive, Article 47).

Please contact the National Contact Point person in your country if you are in doubt of the AWB network status in your country.

The French network (RN-SBEA) published the first edition of its Guide for French Animal Welfare Bodies (in French) in June 2024. The aim of the Guide is to help French animal welfare bodies better understand and therefore accomplish their missions. Further editions may be issued. This is one of several guidelines and publications recommended by RN-SBEA.

Please contact Thomas Bertelsen for more information about ENAWB.

Norecopa's Secretary participates as an observer in the network.

This page was updated on 20 June 2024

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