Chemical Lists Information System (CheLIST)
Owner/Developer: European Commission, Joint Research Centre (EC - JRC)
Country: | Belgium |
Languages: | English |
Url: | |
Contact Email: | |
Description: |
In order to develop and assess computational and in vitro methods for predictive toxicology, there is a need to identify chemicals for which property data are available. The Chemical Lists Information System (CheLIST) provided a means of identifying whether a chemical (or chemical group) has been used in a research or validation project (including EU-funded, international and JRC projects), and also whether the chemical of interest is regulated and listed under a specific regulatory inventory. CheLIST provided information on chemical identifiers (e.g. name, CAS number) and chemical structure and the database can be searched according to these types of information. The various datasets and inventories could be compared in order to identify overlaps in chemical membership and also be combined by users to create custom list. CheLIST has been phased out and has been moved to the EURL ECVAM Library of Reference Chemicals (also known as the "list of chemical lists"). It is in the form of an Excel file and can easily be searched using keywords such as chemical identifier or endpoint. The EURL ECVAM library of reference chemicals is a catalogue of chemical lists that can be used to standardise, qualify, characterise or compare in vitro, in chimico and in silico methods and models. It contains chemical lists used in research and validation projects (including EU-funded, international and JRC projects), proficiency chemicals from OECD test guidelines, and chemicals that have been classified within various regulatory contexts (e.g. pesticides, carcinogenic and endocrine disrupters). Chemical lists are also grouped in toxicological categories such as endocrine disruption, skin corrosion, acute toxicity, developmental toxicity and carcinogenicity. The chemicals in the lists are well-characterised and for the most part have been selected by domain experts working within chemical selection groups assembled by various projects and studies. |
Category: | Information System |
Channel: | Website |
Audience: | Scientists - Researchers |
User access: | Open access |
Updating frequency: | Infrequently updated |
Relevance: | Replacement - Reduction |
Purpose: | Documentation and information |
Legislative framework: | REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 |
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