13-Experimental procedures

The division of labour, costs and responsibility between the facility and scientists regarding the recording of observations on the animals must be discussed at a very early stage. Novel routines for these observations, including the production of scoring sheets, may have to be developed. Procedures must be described in sufficient detail to enable them to be assessed.

General principles
For fish researchers

See also:

The RSPCA has arranged two meetings entitled Focus on Fish, the first one on 23 February 2021 and the second on 23 February 2022. These contained several relevant presentations. The 2021 meeting had a session on Fish Welfare, including fish behaviour and using analgesia in fishes.

The Norwegian National Committee has sent a recommendation to the regulatory authorities to validate a method for obtaining DNA from fish using skin and mucus material. This is described here in Norwegian.


This page was updated on 14 February 2025

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