Much more information on harm-benefit assessment is covered in another section of the Norecopa website.
Are there any good experiments that should not be done? (Pollack & Cobb, 2022)
Each research project has its own set of ethical challenges, but the following general questions should be raised for all projects:
‘Choosing the right animal for the right reason’ (Harry Rowsell).
The large increase in use of genetically altered lines has created increasing concern about the suitability of these animals as models of human conditions. This, and the high level of attrition in animal research, is discussed in a paper by Joseph Garner (2014): The Significance of Meaning: Why Do Over 90% of Behavioral Neuroscience Results Fail to Translate to Humans, and What Can We Do to Fix It?
Ethics are also discussed in a separate section of this website.
Perform a Harm-Benefit Assessment and justify any likely animal harm.
Much more information on harm-benefit assessment is covered in another section of the Norecopa website.
Are there any good experiments that should not be done? (Pollack & Cobb, 2022)
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