300 Questions & Answers in Anatomy & Physiology: Veterinary Nursing

By College of Animal Welfare, Cambridgeshire, England

300 Questions

This book contains 300 questions and answers in anatomy and physiology. Part of a series of self-assessment books listing Multiple-Choice Questions and Answers, concentrating on specific subject areas within the Veterinary Nursing Curriculum. The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with examples of the type of question that may appear on an examination paper specifically on the subject of animal anatomy and physiology. The book provides an opportunity to practise examination techniques through self-assessment whilst identifying areas of weakness. It is recommended that the book is used after revision and that the questions are selected at random. The answers can be referred to at the back of the book.

Second Edition. Paperback. 96 pages. Suitable for veterinary nurse students. For more information on this book, please click here. A review of this book is available in Laboratory Animals, April 2001, Volume 35 (2), page 195. Published by Butterworth-Heinemann, now part of Elsevier. See record numbers 6888 and 6917 for two other books in the Multiple Choice Questions and Answers series.

ISBN: Paperback: 9780750646956

Price: €24.29

Year: 2000
This page was updated on 19 May 2023

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