A Dissection and Tissue Culture Manual of the Nervous System

By Shahar, Abraham; de Vellis, Jean; Vernadakis, Antoia & Haken, Bernard

A Diss and Tissue Culture Manual of the NS

A handbook describing dissection procedures, culture preparation techniques and the in vitro manipulation of neural cells and tissues for specific analytical purposes.

Table of Contents: Dissection Procedures; Organotypic Explant Cultures; Astrocyte Cultures; Oligodendrocyte Cultures; Neuronal Cultures; Schwann Cell Cultures; Reaggregate Cultures; Methods for Studying Cells in Culture: Histological, Immunohistochemical, and in Situ Hybridization Techniques; Methods for Studying Cells in Culture: Bioassays; Methods for Studying Cells in Culture: Biochemical and Physiological Procedures.

First Edition. 398 pages. Paperback. A Wiley-Liss Publication. Available from Amazon

ISBN: 978-0-471-56237-5

Year: 1990
This page was updated on 27 October 2022

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