A Dissection Guide & Atlas to the Mink, 2nd Edition

By Smith, David G. & Schenk, Michael P.

A Dissection Guide & Atlas To The Mink, 2Nd Edition

A Dissection Guide & Atlas to the Mink is a full-color dissection manual intended to provide an introduction to the anatomy of the mink for biology, zoology, nursing, or preprofessional students who are taking a laboratory course in anatomy and physiology or basic vertebrate anatomy. This updated version includes new photographs, illustrations, and tables. Improved color detail on photographs and some re-written captions for improved clarity. Dissection instructions indicated with a scissors icon.


  • Multiple images of the muscle, skeletal, and organ systems provide a complete picture of the layers of mink anatomy.
  • Detailed instructions allow students to efficiently and accurately perform all of the dissections.
  • Superior quality, completely labeled, full-color photographs and illustrations offer excellent visual references.
  • The text is clearly written, and dissection instructions are set apart in boxes to aid the students in the lab.
  • Informative tables summarize key information, and student objectives establish the purpose of each chapter and lab.
  • The dissection guide is loose-leaf and three-hole drilled for convenience in the laboratory.
  • Because prepared mink skeletons are not always available, the cat skeleton is utilized in the skeletal system chapter along with pictures of mink structures, as appropriate.

2nd Edition. 136 Pages. Loose-leaf format & eBook. (First Edition).

ISBN: 9781640430525, eBook: 9781640430532

Price: $36.00

Year: 2020
This page was updated on 12 September 2022

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