Advancing animal welfare and the 3Rs in the batch testing of veterinary vaccines

By Jane Cooper and Maggy Jennings, RSPCA

Advancing animal welfare and the 3Rs 8329

This RSPCA report reviewed the current test requirements in the production of veterinary vaccines. It identified scope for reducing suffering and improving the welfare of animals used in vaccine testing, deleting requirements for unnecessary tests, reducing animal use and increasing the use of alternatives.

Table of Contents: Executive summary; 1 Introduction and aims; 2 Regulatory framework; 3 Potency testing requirements for inactivated vaccines; 4 Potency testing requirements for live vaccines; 5 Scope for application of the 3Rs in quality control testing; 6 Reducing animal use in other quality control tests; 7 Concluding comments; 8 References; 9 Acknowledgements; Appendices: Appendix 1: Potency test requirements for inactivated vaccines - methods and control of suffering; Appendix 2: Batch potency tests for inactivated vaccines - animal numbers; Appendix 3:  Monograph for Canine Adenovirus Vaccine, Inactivated; Appendix 4: Monograph for Canine Leptospirosis Vaccine, Inactivated; Appendix 5: Monograph for Porcine Actinobacillosis Vaccine, Inactivated; Appendix 6: Monograph for Feline Infectious Enteritis Vaccine, Inactivated.

73 pages. Download PDF.

Price: Online: Free of charge

Publication Year: 2008

Year: 2008
This page was updated on 20 October 2022

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