Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory TextBook, Intermediate Version, Cat

By Benson, Harold J; Gunstream, Stanley E.; Talaro, Arthur & Talaro, Kathleen Park

Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Textbook

This laboratory manual is ideal for introductory, two-semester anatomy and physiology students. This new edition works well with any textbook and includes complete explanations of essential information. Clear, step-by-step procedures for each exercise are accompanied by detailed illustrations and labeling exercises. The main dissection specimen is the cat.   

Bar codes referencing images contained in the Slice of Life Videodisc are found in an easy-to-access appendix. Please see the NORINA database for more information on the Slice of Life.

7th Edition. 560 pages. Spiral Bound. McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 7 edition (March 12, 2004). Also available from Amazon

ISBN-10: 007247663X
ISBN-13: 978-0072476637

Year: 2004
This page was updated on 15 August 2022

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