Animal Pain: A Practice-Oriented Approach To An Effective Pain Control in Animals
By Hellebrekers, Ludo J.
Record number: | fd979 (legacy id: 6902) |
Pain control in animals is a matter of great concern. Less than half of all canine patients are routinely treated with analgesic medication post-surgically. Even fewer cats, horses and exotics receive this treatment. This book provides the reader with the tools to more effectively achieve adequate pain relief in animals entrusted to their care. It contains a collection of papers from some of the world's experts on animal pain, including chapters on the ethics of pain control, the pathophysiology of pain, clinical pharmacology of analgesic agents, and separate chapters on the management of pain in dogs, cats, horses and exotics. This is one of the few books published on animal pain. Important drug and dosage information highlighted in easy-to-find tables.
First Edition. 192 pages. 15 illustrations. Hardback. A review of this book is available in Laboratory Animals, July 2001, Volume 35 (3), pages 293-294, or at This book can be ordered online from Blackwell Publishing and from Amazon.
ISBN-13: 978-90-5805-030-4; ISBN-10: 90-5805-030-0
Price: £27.50; US$44.95; NOK 413.00
Year: 2000
Product reviews: Reviewed in Laboratory Animals
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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