Atlas of Correlative Imaging Anatomy of the Normal Dog: Ultrasound and Computed Tomography
By Feeney, Daniel A. ; Fletcher, T.F. and Hardy, Robert M.
Record number: | a131f (legacy id: 7883) |
This book correlates clinical signs with conditions revealed by ultrasound or CT. This comprehensive atlas combines an anatomical overview, a normal planar anatomy atlas, clinically correlated ultrasonagrams and computed tomograms (CT), and diseases of the dog revealed by these techniques. Includes bibliographical references and index.
396 pages. Hardcover. Suitable for veterinary students and practitioners. Published by W.B. Saunders, now part of Elsevier. The images used in Canine Planar Anatomy, a free web site, are based on the images used in this atlas. May be purchased here.
ISBN: 0-7216-2744-7; 978-0-7216-2744-1
Year: 1991
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