Biology and Diseases of the Ferret

By Fox, James G.

Biology and Diseases of the Ferret (6099)

Please note that there is now a 3rd Edition of this book. 

This book is thoroughly revised, and emphasizes the clinical component of veterinary medicine particular to the ferret, reflecting recent advancements of knowledge and the author's work at MIT. New techniques for routine diagnostic and surgical procedures are covered, as well as discussion of eosinophilic gastroenteritis; hormone-dependent cystitis; lymphomas; rabies vaccines, Aleutian disease; insulinoma; alopecia; adrenal neoplasia; bleeding disorders; and anaesthesia protocols.

Second Edition. First Edition was available in 1988. 568 pages with photographs. Hardcover. Suitable as a reference for veterinarians, animal technicians, biologists and ferret owners.

ISBN-13: 978-0-683-30034-5; ISBN-10: 0-683-30034-2

Year: 1998
This page was updated on 10 October 2023

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