Chemoarchitectonic Atlas of the Mouse Brain

By Paxinos, George and Watson, Charles

Chemoarchitectonic Atlas of the Mouse (8142)

This Atlas collects labelled chemical neuroanatomy micrographs of the slides that the authors used to inform their identification of the brain regions delineated in "The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates". This atlas represents for the first time an accurate histochemical atlas showing the areas of the mouse brain in microscopic slides in a variety of different stains. Until now researchers studying the mouse brain have been forced to consult the existing histochemical atlases of the rat brain (including Paxinos and Watson's) and extrapolate from rat data - a strategy which is not very accurate and often not successful. This atlas collects systematic images of the mouse brain stained with a range of key chemical markers to complement The Mouse Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, 3rd Edition, 2008, (by Franklin and Paxinos).This book is no longer available at the publisher, but may be purchased here.

First Edition. 216 pages. Hardcover. Suitable for researchers using Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Neuropharmacology, Neurogenetics to study the mouse nervous system. Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier.

ISBN: 978-0-12-374238-4

Price: US$275.00; £160.00; EUR 230.00

Year: 2009
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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