Designing Clinical Research: An Epidemiologic Approach

By Hulley, Stephen B.; Cummings, Steven R.; Browner, Warren S.; Grady, Deborah; Hearst Norman & Newman, Thomas B.

Designing Clinical Research An Epidemiologic Approach

Designing Clinical Research has been extensively revised and continues to set the standard as a practical guide for doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals involved in all forms of clinical, translational, and public health research. It presents advanced epidemiologic concepts in a reader-friendly way, and suggests common sense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding, and implementing. New to last edition: Expanded and updated content in every chapter, with new material on: non-inferiority trials for comparative effectiveness research, incidence-density case-control studies, confounding and effect modification, diagnostic test studies to inform prediction rules, ethical aspects of whole genome sequencing, automated data management approaches, new NIH grant-writing requirements. Color format, and electric access, powered by Inkling™ as a free companion to the text, viewable through your browser or as a download to tablet or smartphone, the complete text with optimized navigation, note-sharing, highlighting and bookmarking capability, cross-linking of references and content, rapid search options linked to the new glossary.

Fourth Edition. 378 pages. 35 illustrations. Softcover. First Edition: 1988. Also available through Amazon (

Please note that there is a 5th Edition of this book. 

ISBN-13: 978-1608318049
ISBN-10: 9781608318049

Year: 2000
This page was updated on 17 November 2022

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