Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Mink

By Smith, David G. & Schenk, Michael P.

Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Mink

This full colour dissection guide and atlas is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the anatomy of the mink. It provides students with directions for learning basic mammalian anatomy through the use of a mink specimen. Actual colour photographs of the dissected mink can be viewed along with labelled artwork of organs and structures. This reference book contains 9 chapters on body systems. In addition, this guide includes a suggestion for a dissection of the sheep brain and sheep eye. Table of Contents: Introduction; Chapter 1: External Features; Chapter 2: Skeletal System; Chapter 3: Muscular System; Chapter 4: Digestive System; Chapter 5: Circulatory System; Chapter 6: Respiratory System; Chapter 7: Reproductive and Excretory Systems; Chapter 8: Nervous System; Chapter 9: Endocrine System; References, Glossary; Index.

Item: 4507

128 pages. Softcover. Pages are punched for 3-ring binder (not included). Suitable for anatomy and physiology and vertebrate anatomy courses. Available from Amazon. Please note that there is a 2nd Edition to this book. 

Please see Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Fetal Pig and Dissection Guide and Atlas to the Rat for two other books in the same series.

ISBN-13: 978-0-8958-2450-9

Year: 2000
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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