Encyclopedia of Clinical Toxicology

By Rossoff, Irving S.

Encyclopedia Of Clinical Toxicology A Comprehensive Guide To The Toxicology Of Prescription And OTC Drugs, Chemical, Herbals, Plants, Fungi, Marine ... Clothing And Environmental Toxins (1)

Encyclopedia of Clinical Toxicology documents the toxicology of almost 6000 drugs, chemical and environmental toxins, and describes adverse effects and interactions often not reported by manufacturers, and not published in PDRs and the other standard compendia. This book includes actual case reports that elucidate toxic events and therapy. It provides a complete word index to help the reader to locate any topic by reference to substance headings, and it covers prescription and OTC drugs, chemicals, food ingredients, plants, fungi, herbals, insects, reptiles, marine life, clothing, chemical warfare, and environmental exposes. Table of Contents: Entries are organized in alphabetical order.

1522 pages. May be ordered online at www.crcpress.com. Produced by Parthenon Publishing, part of CRC Press. Also available from Amazon. 

ISBN-10: 1842141015
ISBN-13: 978-1842141014


Year: 2002
This page was updated on 13 June 2022

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