Frog Anatomy and Dissection Guide

By Wingerd, Bruce D.

Frog Anatomy and Dissection Guide 8392

This guide is a step-by-step guide to frog anatomy and dissection. Comparisons of frog and human anatomy often occur during study, so they appear in italics in the text. Boldface type emphasizes the terms of frog anatomy upon first use. Going beyond the visual investigation of charts, models, lists of terms, and lectures, dissection engages the student to use the additional sense of touch to examine real structures. Table of Contents: External Anatomy and the Skin; The Skeletal System; The Muscular System; Internal Anatomy: The Digestive System; The Respiratory System; The Circulatory System; The Urogenital System; The Nervous System.

62 pages. Paperback. Please see record numbers 8094, 8095, 8096, 8097 and 8098 for the other guides in this series.

ISBN: 978-1-59984-085-7

Item: 455795

Price: US$26.50

Year: 2010
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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