Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Second Edition: Animal Models, Volume II
By Hau, Jann & Van Hoosier, Jr.,Gerald L.
Record number: | a38f5 (legacy id: 7040) |

The Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Second Edition: Animal Models, Volume II addresses the development and application of models in different areas of biomedical research and details the criteria used to choose animal species and strains. The Handbook is not restricted to laboratory animal models for the study of human diseases. Part of a two-volume set. Building upon the success of its predecessor, this updated revision includes a new chapter on parasitology, expanded discussions on the use of lab animals in phychology and many new topics such as immunology and immunodeficiency. Where appropriate, it covers genetically engineered models.
Second Edition of Volume II. 280 pages. Hardcover. Part of the Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science series. Please see record number 7028 for a completely revised, Third Edition of Volume I, and record number 7791 for the Second Edition of Volume III in this series. A review of this Volume is available in Laboratory Animals, October 2003, Volume 37 (4), pages 375-377.
Now replaced by the Fourth Edition (2021).
ISBN: 978-0-8493-1084-3; ISBN: 0-8493-1084-9 (Volume II)
Price: US$114.95; £72.99
Year: 2003
Product reviews: Reviewed in Laboratory Animals
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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