Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Third Edition: Animal Models, Volume III
By By Jann Hau, Steven J. Schapiro
Record number: | 2eab3 (legacy id: 7791) |

Now replaced by the Fourth Edition (2021).
While replacing and reducing the use of laboratory animals are integral parts of the 3Rs—replace, reduce, refine—which form the cornerstones of laboratory animal science, biomedical research involving animals remains absolutely essential for the advancement of the medical, veterinary, agricultural, and biological sciences. Building upon the bestselling previous edition, the Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science, Volume III, Third Edition: Animal Models complements volumes I and II of the third edition by completing the task of providing a comprehensive overview of animal models in all biomedical disciplines.
The three Rs have been integrated throughout this handbook to promote efficient and humane experimental work with animals. Written by international experts, each chapter focuses on an important subdiscipline of laboratory animal science and can be used as a stand-alone text. This volume contains new chapters for six additional disease animal models: spinal cord injury, cardiovascular diseases, sudden infant death syndrome, developmental disorders, eye diseases, and human cancer. It also presents a new chapter on applying reduction and refinement to animal models.
This handbook can be used for undergraduate and postgraduate laboratory animal science courses, and as a handbook for scientists who work with animals in their research, for university veterinarians, for regulators, and for other specialists in laboratory animal science.
Third Edition, Volume III. 334 pages. Hardback & e-Book. Part of the Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science series. Please see record number 7028 for a completely revised, Third Edition of Volume I, and record number 7040 for the Second Edition of Volume II in this series. A review of this book is available in Laboratory Animals, July 2005, Volume 39 (3). Available from Amazon.
ISBN: Hardback: 9781466555129, e-Book: 9780429097751
Year: 2013
Product reviews: Reviewed in Laboratory Animals
This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
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