Horse Genetics
By Bowling, A.T.
Record number: | 40bdd (legacy id: 8236) |
![Horse Genetics 8236 Horse Genetics 8236](/media/3194/horse-genetics-8236.jpg?width=300)
The knowledge of horse genes is well behind that of other domestic animals, and the number of well-understood examples is limited. Textbooks of general genetics rarely mention horses. Horse breeders and those taking courses in equine studies do not find it easy to relate to fruit flies, pea plants and mice to practical horse beeding. To fill the gap this book provides an up-to-date review of current knowledge of horse genetics. The author of this book, who has both practical and academic experience in horse genetics, has distilled facts and ideas to provide relevant examples, while still maintaining scientific rigor. The author concentrates on topics such as coat colour, where information is well documented, to illustrate general genetic principles. This book covers additional topics such as parentage testing, medical genetics and gene mapping.
Table of Contents: Basic genetics; Black, bay and chestnut; Color diluting genes; White, grey and roan; Tobiano; Overo; Leopard (appaloosa) spotting; Putting it all together: color genotypes and phenotypes; White markings; Parentage testing of horses, Medical genetics; The horse karyotype and chromosomal abnormalities; Genetics of performance traits; Pedigrees and breeding schemes; Sorting out factors in development: genetics vs. environment and sire vs. dam; The horse gene map; Equus; Frequently asked questions; Where are we going from here?.
First Edition. 224 pages. Paperback. Suitable for students of equine studies, animal breeding and veterinary science, as well as horse breeders, professionals and enthusiastic amateurs working with horses. Please see record number 8243 for The Genetics of the Horse, written in 2000. Available from Amazon.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8519-9101-6
Year: 1996
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