International Classification of Rodent Tumors: The Mouse

By Mohr, Ulrich

International Classification of Rodent

Regulatory authorities worldwide still depend greatly upon and require long-term animal test results.   To improve the reliability of interpretation of such results, a standardized nomenclature for the lesions observed in the tests is essential. Scientists from both academia and industry in many countries have closely cooperated to arrive at a consensus on the descriptions of all the types of tumour and pre-neoplastic lesions encountered in laboratory mice. This book provides information and guidelines adapted for international use in practical toxicological pathology. Images showing the typical appearance of the discussed lesions and references to the most recently published papers complete the presented information.

First Edition. 474 pages. 402 figures in colour. Hardcover. Suitable for toxicological pathologists, veterinary pathologists and toxicologists. Please see record number 5559 for the RENI Web site in the NORINA database. RENI contains the same diagnostic criteria and images, and corresponding data on proliferative lesions in the rat as this book. Table of Contents

ISBN: Softcover: 978-3-642-08422-5, eBook: 978-3-662-07973-7

Price: Softcover: €119.99, eBook: €96.29

Year: 2001
This page was updated on 30 September 2022

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