Key Issues in Bioethics
By Edited by Levinson, Ralph & Reiss, Michael
Record number: | 3124b (legacy id: 7981) |
This book, written specifically for the non-specialist teacher or lecturer, offers suggestions on how to approach the teaching of bioethics and provides useful sources of further information. Young people are increasingly being exposed to the huge and complex ethical dilemmas involved in issues such as genetic modification, animal rights and cloning. They bring their own views into the classroom. How can teachers be sure they are sufficiently well-informed to help their pupils make sense of the diverse and emotive arguments surrounding these issues? This book is written by leading ethicists, scientists and technologists. The book offers a balanced guide to highly debated topics as: Cloning; In vitro fertilisation; Genetic screening and genetic engineering; Farm animal welfare; The use of animals in medical experiments.
A Guide for Teachers. 200 pages. Available as a Paperback, Hardback, and as an eBook. The book is available as a Microsoft Reader eBook. Suitable for non-specialist teachers or lecturers, and for undergraduate students on science courses. Published by Routledge, now part of Taylor & Francis Group.
ISBN: Paperback: 9780415270687, Hardback: 9780415309141, eBook: 9780203464533
Price: Paperback: £42.99, Hardback: £125, eBook: £38.69
Year: 2003
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