Manipulating the Mouse Embryo: A Laboratory Manual, Fourth Edition

By Editors Behringer, Richard; Anderson, M.D.; Gertsenstein, Marina; Nagy, Vintersten Kristina and Nagy, Andras

Manipulating the Mouse Embryo 6768

This manual is a reference source on mouse development, transgenesis techniques, and molecular biology. While many of the techniques described in earlier editions of this manual have been relegated to core facilities, advances in DNA sequencing techniques and genome analysis have opened new avenues of research and developments. New approaches, such as the derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells and new targeted gene manipulation techniques that enable direct injection of RNA/DNA constructs into zygotes to achieve gene targeting, require new explanations and protocols. The editors of this manual have taken these developments into account in this updated and rewritten edition. This edition includes new information and protocols on: Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells; RNA microinjections; Lentiviral microinjections and infection; Assisted reproduction techniques for sperm and embryo cryopreservation; Isolated, generation, and transplantation of spermatogonial stem cell lines; In utero electroporation of gene constructs into postimplantation embryos; Vibratome sectioning of live and fixed tissues for imaging thick tissue sections; Whole-mount fluorescent staining methods for three-dimensional visualisation. This manual includes updated and essential information on mouse laboratory strains, mouse housing and breeding, surgical procedures, assisted reproduction, handling of embryos, and micromanipulation setups. Free Excerpts from this edition: Preface and Contents; Protocol for Reprogramming Mouse Fibroblasts; Protocol for the Injection of RNA into Zygotes; Index.

Fourth Edition. 814 pages. Illustrated. Paperback. To purchased this manual, please click here.

ISBN: 978-1-936113-01-9


Year: 2014
This page was updated on 07 November 2022

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