Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat

By Van Dongen, J.J., Remie, R., Rensema, J.W. & Van Wunnick, G.H.J.

Microsurgery on the Lab Rat

The Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat is a didactic manual describing experimental microsurgical techniques in detail. The manual is richly illustrated with accurate drawings and photographs and is divided in two parts: I General Techniques; and II Experimental Techniques. In Part I, the manual includes general information about the rat, i.e. anatomy, different strains, anaesthesia and sterility and a wide range of general techniques: Handling of the animal; Injections and other administration techniques; Preparation of cannulae and other special aids; Suture techniques; Anastomosis; Blood sampling. In Part II, the sections on experimental techniques are covered in great detail. All essential steps taken during the operations are shown in accurate drawings. This makes the manual an instrument for teaching and for studying microsurgery and microsurgical techniques. Experimental techniques described are: Permanent cannulation of the jugular vein; Portacaval anastomosis; Permanent double bile fistula; Permanent cannulation of the portal vein; Permanent cannulation of the renal vein; Permanent cannulation of the iliolumbar artery; Permanent cannulation of the thoracic duct; Perfusion of the isolated gut in vivo; Intra-uterine operations; Miscellaneous; Index. This book is part of the series entitled Techniques in the Behavioral and Neural Sciences, Volume 4.

First Edition: 1990. 10 video films on DVDs are available together with this manual from Microsurgical Developments Foundation. Please see the NORINA database for more information on the DVDs, record numbers 3907, 3908, 3909, 3910, 3911, 3912, 3913, 3914, 3915, 3916.

Available as a book from Braintree Scientific, Inc.

Year: 2004
This page was updated on 28 October 2022

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