Principles of Laboratory Animal Science: A Contribution to the Humane Use and Care of Animals and to the Quality of Experimental Results

By van Zutphen, L.F.M., Baumans, Vera & Beynen, A.C.


The welfare of laboratory animals, as well as the ethical issues involved in the humane use of animals for scientific purposes, are discussed in this revised edition. Information is included on the biology and husbandry of animal models; on behaviour, stress and well-being; genetic and microbiological standardization; health monitoring; anaesthesiology; animal alternatives; and ethics.  

This book addresses all of the aspects that scientists need to know when considering the design of an animal experiment. Replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experiments are the guiding principles for its contents.

Second Edition. 428 pages. 1993: First Edition (ISBN 0-444-81270-9, Hardback or 0-444-81487-6, Paperback). Published by Elsevier Science. The book is intended as a course book, it also serves as a reference to anyone interested in this subject.   

ISBN: 9780444506122

Price: €184.49

Year: 2001

This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
This page was updated on 12 September 2022

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