Researching animal research
By Davies, Gail; Greenhough, Beth; Hobson-West, Pru; Kirk, Robert G. W.; Palmer, Alexandra & Roe, Emma
Record number: | 7c82f |

Researching animal research, with its subtitle What the humanities and social sciences can contribute to laboratory animal science and welfare demonstrates how the humanities and social sciences can contribute to understanding what is created through animal procedures - including constitutional forms of research governance, different institutional cultures of care, the professional careers of scientists and veterinarians, collaborations with patients and publics, and research animals, specially bred for experiments or surplus to requirements.
Developing the idea of the animal research nexus, this book explores how connections and disconnections are made between these different elements, how these have reshaped each other historically, and how they configure the current practice and policy of UK animal research.
480 Pages. Hardcover & eBook. Published by Manchester University Press (9 January 2024).
ISBN: Hardcover: 978-1-5261-6575-6, e-Book: 978-1-5261-6576-3
Hardcover: £30.00
There is a fully open access version of the book.
Year: 2024
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