Techniques Training: Mouse, A Visual Guide to Research Techniques

By American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS)

Techniques Training Mouse 8454

This step-by-step guide shows methods of performing basic techniques on the laboratory mouse by the use of pictures. This visual training guide to research techniques was developed to provide a new resource for hands-on training. The trainer can provide additional information during training for adapting a procedure to the specific institutional SOPs. This book includes sections on age and sex identification, animal identification, restraint, blood collection, and compound administration. Each page of the book is laminated, allowing the book to be disinfected when transferred between facility rooms. For Table of Contents, please click here.

Suitable for trainers and trainees. This Guide may be purchased together with Techniques Training : Rat, A Visual Guide to Research Techniques and Comparative Anatomy of the Mouse and Rat: A Color Atlas and Text as a Bundle, entitled Rodent Techniques/Comparative Anatomy Atlas Bundle, item Number 06-00037, List Price: US$399.00; Member Price: US$199.00. Please see information on three other animal species in the Techniques Training series: the minipig, the rabbit and the rat.

Item: AALAS: 06-00026

List Price: $150.00, Member Price: $75.00

Year: 2011

This is one of our favourite textbooks within Laboratory Animal Science.
This page was updated on 23 January 2025

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