The Genetics of the Horse
By Edited by Bowling, A.T. and Ruvinsky, A.
Record number: | ddd47 (legacy id: 8243) |

The Genetics of the Horse provides a comprehesive review of the current (2000) research in horse genetics. The theory and application of mammalian genetics have been evolving rapidly over the past two decades. this has given scientists fresh insight into the biological processes which affect the functions of the animal in question.
Table of Contents: Systematics and phylogeny of the horse; Genetic aspects of domestication, breeds and their origin; Genetics of colour variation; Genetics of morphological traits and inherited disorders; Blood groups and biochemical polymorphisms; The molecular genetics of the horse; Immunogenetics of the horse; Genetic aspects of disease in horses; Cytogenetics and physical gene maps; Linkage and comparative maps for the horse (Equus caballus); Genetics of behaviour; Reproduction and modern breeding technologies in the mare; Developmental genetics; Genetic resources and their conservation; Genetics of performance traits; Genetics of conformation, locomotion and physiological traits; Genetic improvement of the horse; Standardized genetic nomenclature for the horse.
527 pages. Hardcover & eBook. The chapters are written by international experts in the field. Of worldwide relevance. Please see record number 8236 for another book on horse genetics edited by A.T. Bowling in 1996.
ISBN: Hardback: 978-0-85199-429-1, eBook: 978-0-85199-925-8
Price: Hardback: £158.90, eBook: £158.90
Year: 2000
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