The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates: Compact (7th Edition)

By George Paxinos, Charles Watson

The Rat Brain In Stereotaxic Coordinates Compact

The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates: Compact is an abridged and smaller sized version of the most referenced work in neuroscience (over 35,000 citations). It provides the coronal plates and diagrams of the current seventh edition in a smaller, more convenient spiral format and at a student friendly price. This book includes an introduction on current concepts in neuroanatomy, such as neuromeres and brain development. Students and seasoned researchers will find the first major unified nomenclature ontology tree based on development that features coronal photographic plates and juxtaposed diagrams.

Key Features:

  • Features 161 coronal diagrams and accompanying photographic plates spaced at constant 120 micron intervals
  • Includes a simplified mini-atlas for beginning neuroscientists, and for teaching purposes
  • Covers the most accurate and widely used stereotaxic coordinate system
  • Presents diagrams that are identical to those in the full Seventh Edition
  • Includes the Expert Consult eBook version, compatible with PC, Mac, and most mobile devices and eReaders, which allows readers to browse, search, and interact with content

7th Edition. 388 Pages. Imprint: Academic Press. Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inch.

eBook ISBN: 9780128145500
Paperback ISBN: 9780128145494

Please see pricing information.

Year: 2017
This page was updated on 31 January 2022

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