The Rhesus Monkey Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates (with DVD)

By Paxinos, George; Huang, Xu-Feng; Petrides, Michael & Toga, Arthur W.

The Rhesus Monkey Brain in (6790)

This book is a comprehensive and accurate atlas of the monkey brain currently available. It is completely revised, featuring many improvements and upgrades including higher quality photographic plates. The book features 151 coronal diagrams and 151 accompanying photographic plates spaced at 120 µm intervals, diagrams completely revised; 60 photographic coronal plates of SMI immunoreactivity, delineations completely revised, new in this edition; DVD with all drawings in pdf format as well as eps files of photographic plates; Inclusion in the DVD of 3D reconstructions of the diagrammatic atlas done by two major teams; Linking of structure names from the atlas to the CoCoMac neuroinformatics database for online retrieval of additional information on partitioning schemes and connectivity; Inclusion of MR images at approximately the same levels as the coronal diagrams; This monkey brain atlas follows the same nomenclature and abbreviations conventions as the mouse, rat, chicken, and human brain atlases published under George Paxinos' leadership.

Second Edition. 416 pages. Hardcover. Includes a DVD (record number 5748 in NORINA). Suitable for neuroscientists, neurologists, neuroendocrinologists, neuroanatomists, neurophysiologists, psychologists and psychiatrists. Publication date: July 2008. Published by Academic Press, now part of Elsevier.

Please note that there is a 4th Edition of this book. 

ISBN-13: 978-0-12-373619-2; ISBN-10: 0-12-373619-6

Price: US$299.95; £150.00; Euro 230.00

Year: 2008
This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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