ACURET (Animal Care and Use in Research, Education and Testing) promotes humane animal care and use for scientific purposes in developing countries.

ACURET (Animal Care and Use in Research, Education and Testing) promotes humane animal care and use for scientific purposes in developing countries, particularly in Africa.

ACURET was conceived in 2011, incorporated in 2014, and is governed by a five-member Board of Trustees from Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Grenada, and UK.

The aims of ACURET are to:

  • Increase awareness of and support for national and regional application of regulations and guidelines applicable to humane animal care and use for scientific purposes in developing countries.
  • Organize National and Regional training programs on matters relating animal care and use in research, education and testing in developing countries
  • Conduct specialize training programs for principal investigators, animal handlers, research and program administrators, regulatory bodies on regulations and guidelines for humane animal care and use
  • Implement the creation of National ACURET Networks through Analysis, advocacy, capacity building in every African Country by the year 2020
  • to encourage and empower National ACURET to address developmental challenges and become an effective voice in national, regional and global institutions;
  • Promote collaboration and harmonization in humane animal care and use in research, education and testing.
  • to collect, classify and disseminate information on Laboratory animal medicine and welfare, particularly in Africa
  • Develop and promote publications on advances in Laboratory animal medicine and welfare
  • to organize, encourage and support public fora for information dissemination and exchange and policy dialogue on issues of Institutional care and use of laboratory animals for scientific purposes
  • Liaise and promote linkages with international bodies/agencies with similar interests.

See also ACURET's Core Values and Principles.

The countries affiliated to ACURET can be visualised on Norecopa's interactive global map of 3R centres and associations.

Presentation by Francis Fakoya at the 9th 3Rs Symposium in 2022: A Decade of 3Rs Reorientation in Developing Countries. The Symposium was sponsored by Norecopa, whose slogan it had adopted: PREPARE for Better Science.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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