CCAC Guidelines on the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing
Record number: | 6c1bb (legacy id: 15059) |
Category: | Anaesthesia and analgesia - Blood sampling - Design - Education and training - Environmental enrichment - Ethics & harm-benefit analysis - Fish - Housing and management - Humane killing - Procedures - Reporting - Surgical research - Transport |
Type: | Guidelines |
Relevance: | Refinement |
The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) issued guidelines in 2005 on the care and use of fish in research, teaching and testing.
Topics covered include responsibilities, regulations, aquatic facilities (management, operation and maintenance), capture, acquisition, transport, quarantine, husbandry, health and disease control, experimental procedures, euthanasia, disposition of fish after study, relevant guidelines and organisations, water quality criteria and literature references.
The guidelines (94 pages) are available on the CCAC website.
The CCAC publishes a large range of general and specific guidelines.
Please also see the resources from the two consensus meetings on the care and use of fish in research organised by Norecopa (in 2005 and 2009).
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