
Digires (Digital resources for veterinary trainers) was a collection of training tools (comprising videos and still photos) designed to be used in the teaching of correct handling, housing, anaesthesia, pain assessment, analgesia and surgery of laboratory animals.

Digires (Digital resources for veterinary trainers) was a collection of training tools (comprising videos and still photos) designed to be used in the teaching of correct handling, housing, anaesthesia, pain assessment, analgesia and surgery of laboratory animals. They were produced by the Flecknell laboratory at Newcastle University.

The resources were: Anaesthesia Images; Animal Health and Welfare; Handling, Husbandry and Minor Procedures; Surgery; Anaesthesia; On-Screen Image Collection; Surgical Skills; Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia: Rat and Mouse; Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia: Non-Human Primates; Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia: Rabbit and Guinea Pig; Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia: Dog and Cat; Companion Animal Anaesthesia: Rabbit; Endotracheal Intubation: Rat and Mouse; Pain Assessment in the Rat; Pictures instead of Animals; Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia, Surgery and Perioperative Care: Interactive Course Notes.
Pictures instead of Animals illustrated a variety of adverse drug reactions in laboratory animals. The video material was originally produced on laserdisc by Novartis plc (formerly Ciba Geigy plc).
The Digires website has now been closed down, and the resources are now incorporated into training materials on the Research Animal Training (RAT) website. Access requires log-in permission. The Digires image and video collections for tutors are no longer available, as many are now outdated. The Flecknell laboratory has also produced a large range of training materials on specific topics which are available at procedureswithcare.org.uk.
This page was updated on 08 January 2020

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