EQIPD (European Quality in Preclinical Data) is a consortium promoting robustness, rigor and validity in preclinical research.

EQIPD (European Quality in Preclinical Data)is a consortium promoting robustness, rigor and validity in preclinical research. Members of the consortium have produced substantial evidence which suggests that the robustness, rigour and validity of preclinical research is limited and that this provides a barrier to the effective and efficient development of new drugs. EQIPD believes there is a need for simple, sustainable solutions that facilitate data quality without impacting innovation and freedom of research.

The project pools resources from both academia and industry to pilot this action in Neuroscience and Safety, facilitated by analysis of historical datasets held by EFPIA consortium members data management system developed for the Systematic Review & Meta-analysis Facility (SyRF).

The Quality System, constructed as a wiki, can be accessed here.

Malcolm Macleod has recorded three video presentations of EQIPD (Why, What and How): Part 1 provides the background on why the EQIPD quality system is needed and for whom it is important. He also talks about the benefit of implementing such a system in any research lab. Part 2 introduces the Core Requirements and the four key guiding principles when designing the quality system: flexible, fit-for-purpose, lean and user-friendly. Part 3 explains the steps that can be taken to implement the quality system.


This page was updated on 14 February 2025

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