Europe PubMed Central database (Europe PMC)
Record number: | 29ca7 (legacy id: 15239) |
Category: | Agricultural animals - Anaesthesia and analgesia - Aquatic animals - Behavioural research - Birds - Blood sampling - Cancer research - Design - Disease research - Education and training - Environmental enrichment - Ethics & harm-benefit analysis - Fish - Handling (3R Guide) - Housing and management - Humane killing - Neuroscience research - Non-human primates - Procedures - Reporting - Surgical research - Toxicology - Wildlife |
Type: | Databases |
Relevance: | Reduction - Refinement - Replacement |
Europe PMC is a full-text article database offering free access to biomedical literature resources including PubMed abstracts, full text articles, patent abstracts, NHS clinical guidelines, Agricola records and Chinese Biological Abstracts. It is supported by funders of life sciences and biomedical research, including charities and government organisations across Europe, led by the Wellcome Trust.
Europe PMC has been developed by the European Bioinformatics Institute, the University of Manchester and the British Library.
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