Guidelines on Adequate Veterinary Care

This paper, written by ACLAM, an organisation consisting of veterinarians specialising in laboratory animal medicine, is a detailed description of adequate veterinary care and is intended to be applied to animals used, or intended to be used, in research, teaching or testing.

This paper, written by ACLAM, an organisation consisting of veterinarians specialising in laboratory animal medicine, is a detailed description of adequate veterinary care and is intended to be applied to animals used, or intended to be used, in research, teaching or testing. 
Contents include: disease detection and surveillance, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and resolution, handling and restraint, anaesthetics, analgesics and tranquillisers, methods of euthanasia, surgery and post-surgical care, animal well-being, appropriate use of animals in research and teaching, and related concerns. 6 pages.
The guidelines may be downloaded from ACLAM's website or they may be downloaded here.
This page was updated on 14 February 2025

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