The Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting (LAG-R) framework

The Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting (LAG-R) guidelines were developed to help scientists publish a more comprehensive description of the genetics of research animals, to improve data interpretation and reproducibility.

The Laboratory Animal Genetic Reporting (LAG-R) guidelines were developed to help scientists publish a more comprehensive description of the genetics of research animals, to improve data interpretation and reproducibility.

The guidelines apply to the full range of animal species used in life-science research and, in the case of genetically engineered animals, to those modified by either classical or current methods of genome engineering. The reporting framework is designed to document the genetic background and validation of animal models and to link this information to infrastructures that support the community in sharing data and materials.

We also examine the fundamentals of genetic validation for animal models and we present the role of supporting frameworks for reporting animal genetics. By standardising information, the LAG-R guidelines should improve the sharing and replicability of models across research teams and will guide peer reviewers in their assessment of the essential genetic information for animal models provided in manuscripts.

The guidelines are available under Open Access.


Teboul, L., Amos-Landgraf, J., Benavides, F.J. et al. Improving laboratory animal genetic reporting: LAG-R guidelines. Nat Commun 15, 5574 (2024).

This page was updated on 08 July 2024

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