VZET (Virtual Centre for Alternative and Complementary Methods to Animal Testing) is based at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, Germany.

Founded in 2009, VZET (Virtual Centre for Alternative and Complementary Methods to Animal Testing) is the 3Rs centre of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover (TiHo). Since then, a range of facilities at TiHo have been developing, optimizing and/or validating alternative and complementary methods to animal testing.

VZET hosts a 3Rs symposium in Hannover roughly every two years.

The purpose of the foundation of VZET was to facilitate bundling of the 3R activities of the various institutes by means of interdisciplinary cooperation.

The main goals of the research are

  • the development and validation of new alternative and complementary methods to animal testing,
  • the identification of new fields of work in the field of alternative and complementary methods to animal testing and
  • the formation of research networks for the intensive research of new fields of work,
  • the provision of alternative and complementary methods to animal testing for working groups inside and outside the TiHo,
  • the intensification of interdisciplinary research in the field of the development of alternative and complementary methods to animal experiments, as well as
  • the provision of biostatistical expertise in the planning of animal experiments in order to reduce the number of animals to be used.

 The objectives within the framework of teaching are:

  • in particular the anchoring of the 3Rs concept in all areas of veterinary training,
  • the organization and implementation of events (seminars, lecture series, scientific conferences) for students to promote interest in the development of alternative and complementary methods to animal testing,
  • mediation of the contact of interested students to working groups that develop alternative and complementary methods to animal testing, and
  • contributions to postgraduate education.

The tasks of VZET also include public relations for the development and validation of alternative and complementary methods to animal testing.

Members of the VZET are also involved in the activities of the R2N network.

Here is an overview of European 3R Centres.

This page was updated on 13 November 2024

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