3 T Training Tool: Nail Board™

Nail Board™ consists of holes that are drilled into a sealed wooden platform, where the holes are slightly misaligned.

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Nail Board™ consists of holes that are drilled into a sealed wooden platform, where the holes are slightly misaligned. A container of nails is placed beside the Nail Board™. Great tool to practice the skills of precision and efficiency to assist in developing speed in surgical technique. Practice placing manipulation of objects with hemostats, needle holders and forceps. Ensure proper grip and handling of hemostats, needle holders and forceps.

Nail Board™ is part of the 3 Ts Training Tools (3 Ts), a training method designed to provide hands-on training and practice for individuals working with animals in research, testing and educational settings. They incorporates simple, inexpensive, and effective tools to teach and encourage practice of non-surgical and surgical procedures, prior to conducting similar training and practice on live animals. The tools used for the 3 Ts surgical curriculum for Aseptic Rodent Surgery Training and Practice is called the “3 Ts Dexterity Tools™”. These exercises are designed to address many of the common repetitive hand motions and skills required to perform surgery. Trainees will learn to translate the skills they have developed on the 3 Ts inanimate training tools into practice on live animals.

More information about Translational Training Tools™ here.

Demonstrates the skills of:

  • Instrument placement
  • Effects of repetitive motion

Description of the Nail Board™ exercises:

  1. Practice placing different sized nails in holes using tissue forceps in the non-dominant
    hand and needle holders or hemostats in the dominant hand.
  2. Once comfortable with manipulating the nails in the holes, trainees will be timed while performing a specified pattern in a specified manner. Note that time will be added to the clock each time a nail is dropped. We do this to help ensure that speed is achieved by being precise and efficient rather than being fast and sloppy with the technique.


  • One base board made of sealed hardwood. We used a base board cut to the
    following dimensions: 6.5”x4.5”x0.25”.
  • One wooden block. We used a block cut to the following dimensions: 3/8”x 4.5”x
  • A small box of nails of a variety of sizes; we have cut and filed the nail tips to
    make the nail blunt, therefore safer to use.
  • When using the tool, equip the trainee with at least one needle holder and one
    pair of thumb forceps.

Supplies: glue, a clamp or heavy weight to hold the wooden base in place while drilling holes into it.


  1.  Once cut to the dimensions, drill several rows of holes into the block. Rows
    should be slightly misaligned from each other.
  2. Clean away any loose wood from the back of the block.
  3. Apply glue over the back of the block.
  4. Place the wooden block on top of, and in the center of the base board.
  5. Keeping the block and base board on a level surface, clamp the two pieces
    together or pace a weight on top of it and leave for the next 6 hours or until the
    glue dries.
  6. Pair the tool with the box of assorted nails.

For more information and images to help guide the process, please see The Joy of Training Cookbook, Volume 2: (Recipies for crafting your own purpose-specific training tools for surgery practice).

Dexterity Tools™ and Exercises from Volume 2:

1. Macro Dexterity Tools™:

    1. Bead Board™
    2. Neuter Board™
    3. Tissue Board™
    4. Nail Board™
    5. Cutting Ring™

2 . Micro Dexterity Tools™

    1. Peg Boards™
    2. Bead Threading™
    3. Earrings and Backs™
    4. Color Band Boards™
    5. Bead Cup Exploratory™

Please also see The Joy of Training Cookbook, Volume 1: (Recipies for crafting your own purpose-specific training tools for non-surgical procedures).

3 Ts Training Tools from Volume 1:


For more information, please contact Dr. Wendy Williams.

This page was updated on 22 November 2023

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