Bald Eagle Skeleton, Articulated

Bald Eagle Skeleton, Articulated (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).

Bald Eagle Skeleton, Articulated

Bald Eagle Skeleton, Articulated (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Stand and Base Included. Skull is also available. 

Native to North America and the national emblem of the United States, the bald eagle's wingspan can reach over 7 feet making it one of the largest raptors. They are known for building the largest tree nests recorded for any animal species. Opportunistic carnivores, they primarily eat fish, but also hunt birds and rodents and often steal prey or scavenge. Though they are migratory birds, they will stay in one location if they have access to the ocean or a lake as long as there is adequate food, large nesting trees, and minimal human disruption. Once on the brink of extinction with only 800 pairs, they have been increasing steadily, now with close to 3000 breeding pairs. 

Size: 14" L x 12" W x 31" H   on 12" diameter base  35.5L x 30.5W x 79H on 30.5 diameter base (cm)
Item: SC-068-A

Please see Additional Articulations and Individual Parts.


This page was updated on 17 April 2024

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