Basic Open Surgical Skills (BOSS) Student Tissue Package

The Student Tissue Pack includes a variety of tissue models on which to practice basic surgical skills. Type of record: Simulator. Category: Surgery

Student Tissue Pack 5987

The Student Tissue Pack includes a variety of tissue models on which to practice basic surgical skills. Skill Development: Basic and advanced suturing skills; Suturing on a skin surface; Subcuticular suturing; Deep wound closure; Administering injections; Bowel anastomosis.

The pack includes:

Comments & References: Size: 7 x 5 x 1 inches (box). Weight: 2.2 lbs (entire kit). Can be used alone or with a training platform like BOSS-10. Please click here to view an introductory video on BOSS.

Part # BTP-10

Price: $235.00

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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