Birthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance

Model Birthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance made of silicone, are attached to a hard shroud which mounts onto the Holsim Interlocking Bovine backside using threaded knurl screws to secure it in place.

Birthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance

Model Birthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance made of silicone, are attached to a hard shroud which mounts onto the Holsim Interlocking Bovine backside using threaded knurl screws to secure it in place. The large vaginal opening allows for the Birthing Calf to be pulled through easily.

The Uterus Bag zips onto the vaginal entrance for a smooth transition between the two parts. 

The Holsim Rectum Bag can attach onto the rectum ring.

Item number: B100-300

Accessories & related products: Birthing Calf - Fresian, Uterus BagBirthing Shroud Rump & Vagina Entrance, Pregnancy & Rectal Palpation KitCalf Disbudding Horn Buds & Birthing Kit.

Price: $2,991.89

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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