Bobbitt Frog Model

Ventral dissection of the bullfrog. Type of record: Model. Category: Anatomy

Frog Diss

Ventral dissection of the bullfrog. Half the lower jaw is removed, and the digestive system is spread to reveal deeply lying organs. The circulatory (venous and arterial) and reproductive (female) systems are shown in detail.

In colour. Bobbitt model. Moulded of durable plastic and hand painted by artists to bring out the finest detail and texture. Mounted on a 16 x 21 inches wooden base. Includes a manual. Please NOTE: Not available for purchase online. Please call Int-1- 800-334-5551 for more information. Please see "The Great American Bullfrog" for another detailed frog model.

Item: 564900 

Please also see other Bobbitt Models: Clam, StarfishFetal PigPerch & Earthworm.

US$315.00 each

This page was updated on 13 December 2023

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