Bone Clones Chimpanzee Skull, Adult Male
Record number: | 6a42a (legacy id: 3513) |
Category: | Anatomy |
Type: | Skeletons |

Bone Clones (Pan troglodytes). The dentition, including the canines, is complete, and the occlusal surfaces of the premolars and molars are well defined. The skull has been expertly prepared so that the foramina, fossae, and other openings that carry nerves and blood vessels are easily identified. The mandible is loose.
Made of plastic. Comes with an illustrated key. See "Somso Chimpanze Skull" for a similar skull. Please see "Bone-Colored Hominid and Great Ape Set", Item: 281002 for the complete set of 7 skulls.
Also available from Bone Clones (BC-003).
Item: 246592
Female Chimpanzee Skull, Juvenile Skull, Infant Skull, Chimpanzee Fetal Skull and Chimpanzee Male Skull with Calvarium Cut are also available.
Price: $342.00
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