Bovine Theriogenology Model

Bovine Theriogenology Model shows the rear portion of a Hereford model constructed in epoxy/fiberglass with pelvis, soft perineum palpation panel, inflatable vinyl rectum, and flexible tail.

Bovine Theriogenology Model

Bovine Theriogenology Model shows the rear portion of a Hereford model constructed in epoxy/fiberglass with pelvis, soft perineum palpation panel, inflatable vinyl rectum, and flexible tail.
Includes the Bovine Theriogenology Uterus Set (5). All models have representations of the cervix, broad ligament, and ovaries. Various representations of ovaries displaying different stages of follicles and corpus luteum 

Replaceable Parts: Palpation Perineum Panel, Tail, Each Uterus.

Please note that these products are made with natural latex rubber.

Please see other Bovine related products: Holstein Dystocia Simulator, Hereford Dystocia Simulator, Dystocia Calf ModelCompact Model Dystocia SimulatorBovine Theriogenology Uterus set (5).

Price available upon request.

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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