Brachycephalic Dog Model

Brachycephalic Dog Model is a mannikin to teach intubation technique on brachycephalic dogs.

Brachycephalic Dog Model

Brachycephalic Dog Model is a mannikin to teach intubation technique on brachycephalic dogs. It helps students navigate the mouth and respiratory region of Brachycephalic (short muzzle) dogs to help improve the ability to perform an intubation operation in real life situations.

This anatomically correct training aid features a functioning jaw, a stretchy tongue, and an accurate throat system (epiglottis, trachea, soft palate, etc.). The throat system is visible at the back so you can check your accuracy at performing the procedure.

Comes with four mounting brackets to mount to a stand or other device of your choice.

Item number: C200-000

Please see related products from Holsim: Canine Intubation ModelCanine Oesophageal Feeding Tube ModelCanine Female Urinary Catheter, Canine Cardio Audio Box, IV Dog Leg Model Kit & Jugular Blood Sampling Kit

Price: $2,586.35

This page was updated on 19 July 2023

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