Canine Brain Transections (Twenty Transverse Sections)

By T.F. Fletcher

Canine Brain Transections (Twenty Transverse Sections) is a website that presents the anatomy of the canine brain (neuroanatomy) as seen in transverse sections (stained with luxol fast blue and cresyl violet).   Type: Web pages.   Category: Anatomy and Histology

Canine Brain Transections Atlas (5353)

Canine Brain Transections (Twenty Transverse Sections) is a website that presents the anatomy of the canine brain (neuroanatomy) as seen in transverse sections (stained with luxol fast blue and cresyl violet). The website has the following two divisions: students may toggle between the two divisions per brain transection level: I Brain Transection Levels: facilitates the relationship between brain transection levels and whole brain regions. It is also helpful for assembling a series of brain transection images into the correct rostro-caudal order. II Brain Transection Atlas: facilitates the identification of the anatomical components seen within images of brain transections. Two modes are featured, 1 Focus on names and see the components labelled and described; 2 Focus on components and see the names high-lighted. An index screen showing small images of all sections is provided for navigation to particular transection images. Please Note: Magnifications of the individual brain transection images vary. In general, sections are magnified to fill the available display area.

Comments & References: Suitable for veterinary students studying canine neuroanatomy (CVM 6120).
The Veterinary Anatomy website at the University of Minnesota has been redesigned. Please check the homepage for more information on the availability of this product.

Price: Online, Free of charge

Version: 2007

This page was updated on 19 June 2019

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